Hilda Phyllis Reisner

hilda reisner

Hilda Phyllis Reisner was born in Nigel, South Africa in 1929 and lived a long, beautiful life. She is survived by her husband Jack Reisner, her four children and their spouses Andrew & Susan, Michelle & Adrian, Colin & Natasha and Karen & Craig, her 11 grandchildren and her sister Clare.
Hilda was always ahead of her time. She was a registered nurse, who worked in many different fields, an educator and volunteered tirelessly throughout her life.
She lived in South Africa, Israel and the USA and left an incredible legacy. Her positive attitude, zest for life and unconditional love will be missed by all who knew her.
Her life philosophy was Live. Let Live. And Help to Live.
In lieu of flowers, anyone who wishes honor her can make a donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Graveside Service

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Thursday, December 15, 2022

Mt. Moriah Cemetery
685 Fairview Ave
Fairview, New Jersey, United States

Funeral Service

11:30 pm Thursday, December 15, 2022

Eden Memorial Chapels, Inc.
327 Main Street
Fort Lee, New Jersey, United States

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  1. Hilda was and will be an extraordinary human being to know. Her unwavering positivity with a nice helping of thirst for live and a generous addition of kindness to all that came across her way, is indeed a perfect recipe for live that we can only wish to have. It is an honor to have her in our circle of friends.

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