Trudy Solin

June 27, 2017
Solin, Trudy nee: Palinsky, age 81, on June 27, 2017. Raised in Brooklyn, NY, she was a life-long fine artist. A graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, she studied painting and sculpture at the Skowhegan School in Maine, the Art Center of Northern New Jersey, the Arts Students League of New York, and the Sarah Lawrence Extension in Lacoste, France. In her dedication to being an artist, she always embraced new forms and challenges in her work. She was featured in many solo and collaborative exhibitions in the Northeast and taught art to senior citizens for two decades, enabling them to express their life experiences through art. A legendary cook and baker, old and new friends were welcomed in her home. A fitness enthusiast, she was a life-long runner. Trudy was preceded in death by her husband of 60 years, Dr. Jerome Solin, and their daughters, Nina and Alexa. Survivors include son Seth and his wife Janet, son David, and granddaughters Serena, Alana, and Julia. Never was there a woman more full of grace. Contributions in Trudy’s memory can be made to The Fund for Sarah Lawrence, Office of Advancement, Sarah Lawrence College, 1 Mead Way, Bronx, NY 10708.
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