
Cremation Services

Arranging a funeral for a loved one involves a significant decision between burial and cremation, influenced by various factors such as religious or spiritual beliefs, financial considerations, and ecological awareness.

It’s crucial to recognize that the choice of cremation is just one aspect of providing meaningful end-of-life care. Bringing together family and friends creates an opportunity for sharing memories and receiving support. Our team is dedicated to helping you plan a fitting memorial service, whether at our facility or a location of your choice, with or without the cremation urn present.

In the Jewish faith, views on cremation vary among different denominations and individuals. Traditionally, Jewish funeral customs emphasize burial as the preferred method of disposition. Burial is considered a way of honoring the body, adhering to the belief in “Kevurat HaMet,” the respectful interment of the deceased. This practice aligns with the concept of bodily resurrection in Jewish eschatology.

However, contemporary perspectives within the Jewish community have evolved, and some individuals and families now consider cremation as an alternative. This shift can be influenced by factors such as personal beliefs, financial considerations, or environmental concerns.

While cremation is not the traditional choice, many Jewish clergy members are willing to accommodate families who choose this method of disposition. They can guide the bereaved through the grieving process and officiate memorial services, ensuring that Jewish funeral customs and rituals are still respected and observed, even in the context of cremation.

It’s important to note that opinions within the Jewish community regarding cremation may differ, and individuals are encouraged to consult with their local rabbi or religious authority to address any specific questions or concerns related to cremation within the context of their faith.

Common Questions

How can I ensure the correct receipt of the remains?

All reputable cremation providers have developed rigorous sets of operating policies and procedures in order to maximize the level of service and minimize the potential for human error. Since it is illegal to perform more than one cremation at a time, and the vast majority of crematories can only cremate one body at a time, it is next to impossible to receive the incorrect remains.

What do the cremated remains look like?

Cremated remains resemble coarse sand and are whitish to light grey in color. The remains of an average sized adult usually weigh between 7 and 8 pounds.

Is an urn necessary?

An urn is not required by law. An urn may be desired if there is to be a memorial service or if the remains are to be interred in a cemetery. If an urn is not purchased or provided by the family, the cremated remains will be returned in a temporary plastic container.

Cremation Considerations

Once cremation is chosen, the person who is the legally identified or appointed next-of-kin will sign authorization documents.

The remains can be transported from the place of death to the crematory and the cremation process can take place. However, there are some additional things you may wish to consider, such as:

Is there a uniform or special set of clothes you would like your loved one to wear at the time of cremation? Your funeral director can advise you as to your best options regarding jewelry or other valuable personal items.

Is there a uniform or special set of clothes you would like your loved one to wear at the time of cremation? Your funeral director can advise you as to your best options regarding jewelry or other valuable personal items.

Would you like anyone to be present for your loved one's cremation? Because we know how healing it can be, we welcome the opportunity to bring interested family or friends into the crematory. Please discuss your desire to participate with your funeral director.

What will you keep the cremated remains or ashes in after the cremation? We offer a selection of urns and keepsake urns to help memorialize your loved one after services and cremation have taken place.

We want you to know that no matter your reasons for choosing cremation, our cremation specialists are here to help you explore your options. When you’re ready, contact us to schedule an appointment or drop by our office.

What to Expect

We, as cremation experts, can promise each family we serve the highest level of care and compassion.

Here is what you can expect when you work with us:

Courteous, professional services from staff that cares.

Our dedicated staff will take care of all details, including prompt filing of required permits and notifications. Accurate completion of these essential documents ensures their acceptance by local/state agencies and guarantees your loved one’s cremation will not be delayed.

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Courteous, professional services from staff that cares.

Our dedicated staff will take care of all details, including prompt filing of required permits and notifications. Accurate completion of these essential documents ensures their acceptance by local/state agencies and guarantees your loved one’s cremation will not be delayed.

Courteous, professional services from staff that cares.

Our dedicated staff will take care of all details, including prompt filing of required permits and notifications. Accurate completion of these essential documents ensures their acceptance by local/state agencies and guarantees your loved one’s cremation will not be delayed.

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